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Modern Proprietary Chinese Medicines and its primary packing

The inception of Traditional Chinese Medicine can be dated back to 2000 BC.It is the fruits and treasury of Chinese wisdom. The main raw materials of Traditional Chinese Medicine are mainly various types of plants, which are processed by traditional methods, making them into clinical usable medicines.As society develops, Chinese pharmaceutical companies manufacture portable and easy to use Proprietary Chinese medicines by extracting and processing the active ingredients from Traditional Chinese Medicines in modern scientic methods and formulations,including dosage forms in injections, oral liquids, oral solids and etc. As the top domestic supplier for Chlorobutyl (Bromobutyl) Rubber Stopper for Proprietary Chinese Medicines, we dedicate ourselves to developing the best elastomeric formations and supplying best performing products to pharmaceutical companies. With sound compatability properties between rubber components and the medicine, our products can provide good sealing function without affecting drug potency, thus to enchance drug shelf life.


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